H.M. Government of Gibraltar has published Gibraltar's Marine Monitoring Programme for British Gibraltar Territorial Waters (BGTW), after a six month consultation period held from August 2015 to February 2016. The aim of the consultation period is to measure progress towards achieving and maintaining Good Environmental Status (GES) in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters by 2020. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires that all Member States put in place measures to achieve or maintain GES in their seas by 2020.
Monitoring Programme for British Gibraltar Territorial Waters
The Marine Monitoring Programme covers monitoring regimes for eleven Marine Strategy Framework Directive descriptors.
Gibraltar's Environmental Assessment Update for British Gibraltar Territorial Waters (BGTW) is an assessment which focuses on a wide range of issues that are relevant to our coastal waters and covers topics such as, but not limited to, marine biodiversity and ecology, marine litter and water quality.
MSFD Updated Assessment and Good Environmental Status for BGTW
MSFD Assessment Update Appendix 2
The Department of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Heritage (DESCCH) has recently published a Monitoring Programme Update for British Gibraltar Territorial Waters (BGTW) in line with the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The Monitoring Programme allows for the ongoing assessment of the environmental status of BGTW, making reference to the environmental targets established in the 2020 MSD assessment update. It focuses on a wide range of strategies and programmes such as, but not limited to, Biodiversity, Non-indigenous species, Eutrophication, Marine Litter, Underwater noise, Contaminants, Water Quality and Hydrographic conditions.