Until recently, Gibraltar’s electricity supply was dependent on some 40 diesel‑powered engines and turbines distributed across Gibraltar. In 2019 a new, modern power station situated at the North Mole commenced operation running long term on liquid natural gas (LNG). This secures Gibraltar’s energy supply economically, environmentally and sustainably. The associated closure of the three old plants represents the largest measure taken to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The new power plant consists of six engines; 3 of which run on natural gas and 3 of which are dual fuel. The dual fuel engines can run on both diesel and natural gas. Natural gas, more specifically LNG, will be the main fuel, with diesel only necessary to start and operate the dual fuel engines in gas mode or for emergency/back-up operation. The new plant will also use internal combustion engines (IC engines) to ensure the highest electrical efficiency currently available on the market, and therefore will use less fuel to produce a unit of electricity.
H.M. Government of Gibraltar (H.M. GoG) continues to strive to improve its energy efficiency throughout all sectors and recognises that this is one of the most effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint. In order to achieve this, efforts will focus primarily on the building sector as well as plans to introduce renewable energy. Improving energy efficiency means that we can reduce our energy bills, reduce energy demand, increase energy security, reduce ourgreenhouse gas emissions through cost-effective means, and contribute more towards an environmentally sustainable way of life.
The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) came into force in 2012 and is the most comprehensive directive on energy efficiency. The EED establishes a common framework of measures for improving energy efficiency throughout the European Union (EU) Member States and to ensure that the EU achieves its energy saving target of 20% by 2020. Gibraltar's energy efficiency target will result in a reduction in primary energy consumption of 222GWh, which is 16% below the business-as-usual' scenario and is estimated to be an achievable target. At present, Gibraltar is very dependent on the importation of fossil fuels for energy production and in order to reach the 2020 targets, strategies and measures based on sustainability, improved efficiency and security need to be implemented. Guidance documents are also available to aid in the implementation of Articles within the EED.
- EED Guidance Note
- EED Procurement Policy Note
The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan looks at the necessary measures that need to be put into place in order for Gibraltar toachieve its energy saving targets of 20% by 2020, as set by the EU. Measures are distributed across varying time scales and sectors ranging from public, commercial, building and transport sectors, each of which are considered and discussed throughout the plan. H.M.GoG is committed to continue to improve Gibraltar's energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.