Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise was issued by the European Parliament and Council to provide a common basis for tackling noise problems across the EU. This Directive was transposed into Gibraltar Law on 23rd November 2006 with the publication of the Environmental (Assessment and Management of Noise) Regulations 2006.
The EU Directive requires Member States to draw up and report strategic noise maps for major roads, railways, airports and agglomerations, using harmonised noise indicators. The Directive also requires competent authorities to draw up action plans to reduce environmental noise where necessary.
Under the Environmental (Assessment and Management of Noise) Regulations 2006 the competent authority for issues relating to Environmental Noise, its implementation, noise mapping, noise action planning and European Commission reporting with regards to Noise Directive 2002/49/EC falls under the remit of the Environmental Agency. For any further information contact the Environmental Agency.
Noise Core Steering Group Reconvened article
Round 1 Noise Road Map 2008
Gibraltar Noise Action Plan 2009
The following maps have been produced as a result of the Round 2 Noise mapping exercise.
Round 2 Noise Lday Road Map 2012
Round2 Noise Lden Road Map 2012
Round 2 Noise Lnight Road Map 2012
Round 2 Noise Level Road Map 2012