The Environmental Agency is contracted as an enforcement authority for HM Government of Gibraltar in the fields of environmental and public health. The Agency is now responsible to the Minister for the Environment and plays an important role in delivering the environmental policies of the Government.
Some of the areas that the Agency is closely involved with are food hygiene and safety, the abatement of statutory nuisances, monitoring of air, drinking and bathing water quality, the control of dust, waste management, monitoring of building applications and investigation of infectious diseases. The Agency is also the Competent Authority for the issue of hawkers and pedlars licences. Some activities overseen by the Agency require licensing or registration, these are listed below:-
Waste handling/dealing
Scrap Metal handling/dealing
Importation of milk and water
Food premises
Importation of meat or meat products
Skin piercing/tattooing
Any activity where dust might be generated
Agency officers take an active part in health and environmental promotion campaigns throughout the year, visiting schools and giving presentations to interested parties. We are also involved in delivering training in the following areas:
Food Safety
Health & Safety at Work
Environmental Principles
The Agency's contact details are:-
Main office
37 Town Range
Tel No. (00350) 20070620
Fax No: (00350) 20074119
Food imports office
Customs EPU building , ground floor
East gate
British lines
Tel/Fax No: (00350) 20048268
Further information can be obtained by visiting the Environmental Agency website at