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Planning Guidance

Town Planning Act 2018 

Town Planning Act 2018 – Explanatory Note


Planning Policy

Devil's Tower Road

Holistic Planning Policy in respect of Devil's Tower Road

Photovoltaic and Solar water heating

Interim Planning Policy for roof mounted photovoltaic panels and solar water heating panels


Below you are able to view and download various guidance sheets for Town Planning and Building Control.

Information Sheet 1 - Planning Permission Guidance
Information Sheet 1

Information Sheet 2 - Making Applications for Planning Permission
Information Sheet 2

Information Sheet 3 - Public Participation Requirements when Submitting a Planning Application
Information Sheet 3

Information Sheet 4 - How to Appeal
Information Sheet 4

Information Sheet 5 - Protection of Trees & Making Applications for Works to Trees

This information sheet has been withdrawn.

As of 27th September 2021 applications for works to Trees are no longer made to the Development and Planning Commission but rather to the Department of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Heritage. 

For further information and guidance please contact: 

Information Sheet 6 - Advice for Applicants Considering Developments that may Impact on Gibraltar Airport
Information Sheet 6

The link to the 3D OLS page on the Gibraltar GeoPortal can be access by clicking here.  On this page it is possible to find the maximum height permitted building height, for aviation purposes only, that can be built at any site in Gibraltar. NB - Read the "HOW TO USE" notes on the page to understand the accuracy and limitations of the heights obtained.   

In addition to the documents above, the director of Civil Aviation publishes policy and procedure to set out the requiremenbts to be followed where development and activity may have an impact on aviation safety. These documents can be found here. 

- DCA Policy 08 Aerodrome Safeguarding
- DCA Procedure 08 Aerodrome Safeguarding
DCA Policy 09 Technical Safeguarding
DCA Procedure 09 Technical Safeguarding 

Should there be doubt over the interpretation or aplicability of these policies and procedures, then please contact the DCA by e-mail ( to resolve the issue.

Information Sheet 7 - Applications for Consideration by the Development & Planning Commission 
Information Sheet 7

Information Sheet 8 - Bats & Swifts in Buildings
Information Sheet 8

Information Sheet 9 - Submitting an Application for Approval for the New Government Co-Ownership Schemes (Beach View Terraces & Mons Calpe Mews) 
Information Sheet 9
Location Plan - Mons Calpe Mews - Download
Location Plan - Beach View Terraces - Download

Information Sheet 10 – Making Minor Amendments To An existing Valid Planning Permission

Information Sheet 10

Information Sheet 11 - Planning Statements

Information Sheet 11

Information Sheet 12 - A guide to the protection of Cultural Heritage in planning applications

Information Sheet 12

Information Sheet 13 - A guide to the protection of Gibraltar’s World Heritage Site in planning applications

Information Sheet 13

Information Sheet 14 - A guide to the preparation of World Heritage Site Heritage Impact Assessments

Information Sheet 14

Information Sheet 15 - Scheduled Buildings: A Guide for Owners and Occupiers

Information Sheet 15

Information Sheet 16 - Scheduled Monuments: A Guide for Owners and Occupiers

Information Sheet 16