This service provides social work support to vulnerable adults, older people, adults with physical disabilities and/or learning disabilities, their families and their carers within the community. The service undertakes assessments of needs for both service users and their carers. The service offers advice and provides ongoing social work support for those in need. It also works in partnership with HM Government of Gibraltar Departments and other agencies and prepares reports on social housing and provides a Psychological and Counselling Service.
The Care Agency operates a Day Centre, providing social contact for the older persons helping to keep service users integrated in the community, (advising them of their rights and assisting them with problem solving). The centre offers transport to service users to and from the Centre. The service is staffed by a Day Centre Coordinator, two support workers and volunteers. The Coordinator is supervised by the Team Leader of the Adult Team.
St Bernadettes Resource Centre is a day centre for adults with learning disabilities. Activities are organised to promote integration and personal development and to provide stimulation. The Centre is located directly below Dr Giraldi Home and is open Monday Friday all year round from 0900 am to 4.20pm, except Bank Holidays.
For further information please contact the Care Agency on 200 78528
The Domiciliary Care Service is set up in order to provide care in the community in a defined, planned and effective way which enables the recipients to continue to live in their own homes, enabling people to remain living as independently as possible within their own home environment. The aim of the Domiciliary Care Service is to ensure that every recipient has an individually designed, care package which meets their individual needs and requirements. Service recipients comments and opinions are regularly sought, respected and central to the ongoing development of the Service. Domiciliary Care recipients care packages are monitored and reviewed on an on-going basis, ensuring that any changing needs are responded to. The Domiciliary Care Service is contracted out to a private Domiciliary Companies which are based in Gibraltar and is overseen by the Adult Services Team. The Service is operated on a 7 day per week, 52 weeks per year basis.
For further information please contact the Adult Services Team on 200-78528
This team works in conjunction with the Courts through the preparation of reports and mediation in relation to matrimonial disputes where custody and access to children of separating parents are involved.
This now comes under the auspices of the Ministry for Education and Justice, and International Exchange of Information.
This now comes under the auspices of the Ministry for Education and Justice, and International Exchange of Information.