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Consultation Draft

Safeguarding our Past, Enriching our Future: A New Vision for Gibraltar’s Heritage

Gibraltar has a rich and unique heritage. It is vital in defining our identity and is a reference point in times of change. Our world is dynamic and changing all the time and we should not seek to stifle this change but rather to manage it.

This Consultation Draft has been produced on behalf of the Ministry for Heritage by a heritage team co-ordinated by the Government Archaeologist and appointed by the Minister and the Heritage and Antiquities Advisory Council. It sets outs Government’s Vision for the protection of Gibraltar’s heritage.

All stakeholders who wish to comment or make suggestions on the draft document should send these through via e-mail to by no later than close of play on Friday 12th May.

Download Document

Ministry for Heritage

The Ministry for Heritage is charged with the protection, maintenance and refurbishment of all of Gibraltar’s heritage assets. This is done by a team that also oversees and liaises with other heritage partners, such as the Gibraltar Heritage Trust, the Gibraltar National Museum together with the UNESCO World Heritage Office, the Gibraltar National archives and the Garrison Library.
The Heritage Department is based at Napier of Magdala Battery, the site of Gibraltar’s 100 Ton Gun.
In 2014, the Government appointed its own archaeologist in order to promote heritage and conservation. The role of the Archaeological Officer is a statutory role with statutory obligations enshrined in the Heritage and Antiquities Act 2018.
The act states that the Archaeological Officer shall advise Government on archaeological, heritage and conservation matters and shall be responsible to the Minister in this respect.

This includes the conservation of the built environment, adaptive re-use of historic buildings, development in sensitive locations, heritage asset management and specialist advice on heritage issues.

The Archaeological Officer’s main tasks include:

  1. Advice to Town Planning and the Private Sector on Building Applications.
  2. Supervision of Restoration Projects at listed sites and at other historical significant areas.
  3. Desk Based Assessments and Heritage Impact Assessments.
  4. Archaeological Watching Briefs and Excavations.
  5. Heritage Licences.
  6. Photographic Surveys.

For further information please contact:

Ministry for Heritage  Logo

Ministry for Heritage


Gibraltar Heritage Trust

The Gibraltar Heritage Trust is a non-profit, nongovernmental organisation, charged under statute with the preservation, promotion and conservation of Gibraltars Heritage.Situated in an 18th Century Military Guard Room on the historic John Mackintosh Square, the Trust operates a shop and exhibition area on its ground floor which are open to the public from 10am to 2pm Mondays to Fridays. The Trust works closely with the Government of Gibraltar and private industry towards the sustainable management of Gibraltars historic and heritage assets whilst at the same time aiming to provide a platform point for the promotion of Gibraltars unique and valuable heritage.

Gibraltar Heritage Trust Logo

Gibraltar Heritage Trust