The Minister with responsibility for Transport, the Hon Paul Balban is pleased to publish Regulations to introduce the Penalty Points system for traffic offences, following representations from the Commissioner of Police. The Commissioner of Police has highlighted concerns with regards to the present lack of respect by some road users and safe driver behaviour on our roads.
The Regulations introduce a system whereby a person is issued penalty points if they commit a driving related offence. The points are recorded against the person’s driving record. Penalty points range from 1 to 10 depending on the seriousness of the offence. They accumulate and remain valid for 3 years.
Accumulating 12 penalty points within any given 3-year period will automatically disqualify a person from driving for 6 months. A lower threshold of 7 penalty points will apply to a person driving on a learner’s licence or who has held a full driving licence for less than 2 years.
The Minister for Transport, the Hon Paul Balban, said: “The Penalty Points system is designed to encourage careful driving, promote safety and reduce casualties on our roads. The introduction of similar systems in other jurisdictions have provided for a 10% decrease on road collisions and up to a 25% decrease in traffic injuries and fatalities, whilst proving much more effective than monetary sanctions. These Regulations are being published in advance of enacting them in weeks to come, to allow those members of our community who hold a Driving Licence, the opportunity to familiarise themselves with this legislation, that will introduce an additional penalty, over and above the existing financial penalty, if found to be committing road traffic offences, which can ultimately result in Driving Licence disqualification for a specific period. It is our duty to safeguard other vulnerable road users and pedestrians.”
Commissioner of Police, Mr Richard Ullger, said: “I am delighted to see the introduction of a Penalty Points system and my delight will be shared by most of Gibraltar’s road users. In the past, we have seen a few drivers go from court appearance to court appearance with only the most serious offences resulting in driving bans. I hope this new legislation will act as a major deterrent to those who are frequent offenders. Certainly, that has been the case in other jurisdictions.”