October 04, 2022
This afternoon the Captain of the Port briefed the Recovery Coordination Group, chaired by the Minister for the Port Vijay Daryanani, on the latest developments over the weekend regarding the OS 35.
The situation throughout the weekend has remained stable with only some very light sheening occurring.
The boom surrounding the OS 35, which was removed ahead of the expected adverse weather, has now been fully redeployed.
The Gibraltar Port Authority deployed additional recourses to mitigate against the impact of any oil escape. GPA is grateful to port operators, whose assets remained on site throughout the weekend despite difficult conditions.
There have been no reports of oiling on beaches as a result of the weekend’s swell.
The situation at Seven Sisters has significantly improved, with the cleaning operation expected to be completed at the end of this week.
The Department of the Environment, together with OSRL, will continue to conduct daily assessments of Gibraltar’s coastline and beaches.