October 09, 2023
A recent multi-agency exercise tested Gibraltar’s preparedness in the event of a Marauding Terrorist Attack.
The tabletop exercise was organised by the Office of Civil Contingencies and included representatives from the Royal Gibraltar Police, Gibraltar Health Authority and Ambulance Service, Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service, Airport Fire and Rescue Service, Gibraltar Port Authority, Borders & Coastguard Agency, HM Customs, Environmental Agency, Gibraltar International Airport, Department of Education, Headquarters British Forces Gibraltar, Gibraltar Defence Police, Royal Gibraltar Regiment and its Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, Office of the Governor and St. John Ambulance.
The exercise was held at Bleak House and practised the Strategic, Tactical and Operational levels of command. The exercise was preceded by briefings from the Civil Contingencies Coordinator on the Major Incident Response Plan and the latest Joint Operating Principles for the Emergency Services in the response to a Marauding Terrorist Attack. The Emergency Services and the military also provided separate briefings on their MTA capabilities.
The Caretaker Minister for Civil Contingencies, the Hon Samantha Sacramento MP, said: ‘These exercises form part of an extremely important and essential process of testing and reviewing Gibraltar’s multi-agency response in an emergency. Gibraltar must continue to remain prepared for a wide range of risks and threats and whilst there is no intelligence to suggest an increased threat from terrorism, it is however crucial that our commanders, emergency services and other first responders are continuously trained to the highest standards in order to protect our community in any eventuality’.