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Moneyval’s 2nd Follow-up Report on Gibraltar - 431/2024

June 13, 2024

HM Government of Gibraltar is pleased to note the publication of Moneyval’s 2nd Follow-Up Report on Gibraltar in respect of compliance with the Financial Action Task Force’s 40 Recommendations.

The findings set out in this report put Gibraltar in the top 11 of the global network’s most compliant jurisdictions in respect of these recommendations where all of the 40 recommendations are rated as either Fully or Largely Compliant.

Once again, Gibraltar has demonstrated its compliance with the highest international standards to combat Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Proliferation Financing as well prevent the evasion and circumvention of international financial sanctions. 

The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, said: “Moneyval’s report, and our position with respect to the ratings achieved, are more evidence as to Gibraltar’s compliance in these areas when measured against the most stringent international standards. I am grateful for the continued work from all our stakeholders in this regard.”