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The Connect Hub

"An investment in our youth is an investment into our future"

The Connect Hub is an initiative started by the Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, The Hon. Nigel Feetham KC MP. The primary aim of the Connect Hub is to further youth engagement in the Financial Sectors as well as to help ensure its retention of local talent.

Through a variety of initiatives, the Connect Hub aspires to assist the youth in learning about and getting involved with the incredibly wide variety of diverse opportunities that are available to them in these sectors. We want to make sure that our local youth can develop the skillsets necessary for them to flourish in any career that they may pursue.

The Hon. Nigel Feetham KC MP: “The Financial Sectors of Gibraltar represent a thriving and integral part of our economy and I am committed to continue nurturing these sectors for the benefit of the local community. Likewise, there is a huge wealth of talent and opportunity within our youth, and I want to ensure that they are empowered to pursue and achieve a successful career in these sectors.

The Connect Hub, an initiative I started soon after taking office, has been instrumental in opening dialogue between the sectors and the youth. I am very proud of the work that has been done so far, and in the coming weeks and months, the Connect Hub will be sharing information on many different initiatives that will go a long way in achieving our aims.”

Financial Sector/Youth Engagement Survey

We are presently conducting a survey to get a clearer understanding of the potential barriers that may prevent many young and local people from pursuing a career in the Financial Sectors. The results from these surveys will help to inform the various initiatives that the Connect Hub will be releasing in the future.

Please can you to take the survey listed below that is relevant to you. It will take no longer than 10 minutes.

Financial Sector Firms’ Perspective Survey – If you are currently working in a local firm that operates within these sectors, please fill out this survey.

Youth Perspective Survey – If you are a local resident and between the ages of 16 – 30 (regardless of whether you are a student, in employment or unemployed), please fill out this survey.

Once you do complete the survey, please send it to the following email:

Connect Hub Future

The Connect Hub will be publishing more information with time showcasing the wide variety of initiatives that we will be hosting. These includes workshops, focus groups, internships and more.

The Connect Hub wants to be as collaborative as possible, working closely with the youth of Gibraltar and the firms and individuals who make up the vast Financial Sectors. We want to host these initiatives alongside stakeholders in the Financial Sectors and the youth to ensure that both groups can both excel from it.

If you’re interested in the initiative, or want to find out more information, please check out our social media pages or reach out to us at:

or email:

Nicholas Rocca:

Heather Victory: