December 20, 2024
The Airport Fire and Rescue Service very recently completed a mandatory revalidation of its fire and rescue operations and incident command capabilities. Over two full weeks, the entire team participated in theoretical and practical refresher sessions delivered by SimTrainer UK Ltd., covering a broad range of critical firefighting elements.
Exercises included virtual reality simulations and practical scenarios to assess incident commanders at various levels. These evaluations focused on operational response, planning, and safe and effective task execution, providing valuable knowledge for personal development and career advancement.
SimTrainer’s instructors, all experienced former fire service officers, shared updated industry insights to enhance incident management skills. This revalidation training is required every four years and ensures the AFRS continues to meet the mandated Aviation Compliance standards, whilst providing assurance through this accredited programme.
Incident Command Level 2 Aviation Supervisor Course
Following the revalidation, Leading Firefighters Daniel Cornelio, Julian Lopez and Mitch Mifsud attended an Incident Command Level 2 Aviation Supervisor course at Manchester Airport. The two week long program, which also included practical and theoretical components, offered valuable experience in managing fire and rescue operations at a major airport whilst working alongside UK colleagues. This course is part of AFRS's ongoing commitment to provide its staff with industry-standard qualifications and enhancing their decision-making skills for their current and future roles.
Minister with responsibility for the Fire Services, the Hon Leslie Bruzon MP, said: “It is important to ensure that our emergency services remain well trained and prepared to deal with any eventuality that may come their way. It is evident that the AFRS team continually take steps to maintain themselves at the forefront of industry standards with the comprehensive training and development programme that they follow, and I extend my congratulations for a successful revalidation and for the qualifications achieved.”