The Minister for Culture, the Hon Professor John Cortes has today launched two new cultural projects, Studio Spaces for artists, and Central Hall Gardens.
Studio Spaces for artists are being designed at one of Gibraltar’s most iconic heritage site, the Moorish Castle. Works at the new facility will include the refurbishment of old prison cells and buildings, works to the external areas, landscaping, green roofs, new skylights, a new access bridge and accessibility for all. The new Studio Spaces will provide a modern, fit for purpose facility for our artists.
Central Hall Gardens will be an extension to the amazing work that has already been produced at the Hall, that included the refurbishment of its ballroom and the installation of a stained-glass window. The second phase of the project will include the refurbishment of the external areas, with new decking leading to the rear terrace, new storage, and new toilet facilities. The main purpose of these works is to ensure that the Hall is modernised and upgraded, with the hope that many community events and celebrations remain local. These plans will of course, as in the case of all Government projects, be subject to the Planning process.
Gibraltar Cultural Services (GCS), on behalf of the Ministry of Culture have been working hard on these two projects, to ensure Gibraltar has state of the art cultural facilities that’s our cultural community deserve.
The Minister for Culture and Heritage, the Hon Prof John Cortes said: “I am very proud and excited to launch these two new projects. Studio spaces have long been called for by our artistic community, and using the Moorish castle as a dynamic cultural hub will bring new life to this heritage gem. The Central Hall’s potential will be fully realised, providing an enhanced and beautiful local setting for the many celebrations that our community enjoys, without having to look for venues outside Gibraltar.”