March 13, 2020
Due to the recent announcement by the World Health Association (WHO) of the current COVID-19 outbreak being upgraded to worldwide pandemic status, HM Government of Gibraltar is implementing a series of further measures to protect the elderly, who are one of the most vulnerable groups in our community.
As part of these precautionary measures in an attempt to increase social distancing and prevent the spread of COVID-19, social activities will cease at Bellavista Day Care Centre, St Bernadette’s Resource Centre and Waterport Terraces Day Centre until further notice.
For users of Bellavista Day Centre and people living with dementia in the community, an outreach clinic and medical team will be available to provide support and advice to those service users or families who may require assistance. This service will operate as follows:
For users of St Bernadette’s Resource Centre a social worker will be available to provide support and advice to those service users or families who may require assistance. The social worker will be contactable from as follows:
For users of Waterport Terraces Day Centre an official will be available to provide support and advice to those service users or families who may require assistance. The contact details are as follows:
In addition, Social Services will increase their services in order to support service users in the community, when necessary.
An information letter will be provided to all service users/relatives with relevant information, contact numbers and processes to follow in order to access the support team.
We remind service uses and the population at large, that these measures are vital to protect the most vulnerable in our community.