October 02, 2023
The GHA is pleased with the significant progress in the planning and design stages of its new Chemotherapy Suite and is delighted to confirm that funding for the suite has been committed from the GHA’s recurrent expenditure.
The new facility will be on the 5th floor in St Bernard’s Hospital with spectacular sea views, which in itself will help patients with their recovery. In addition, it will double in capacity, which means it can support 10 patients on a daily basis. There will also be 4 consultation rooms and facilities for patients who are unwell to be seen, assessed and treated. The GHA hopes that construction will begin early in the New Year, with completion expected by summer 2024.
The GHA has established a Chemotherapy Development Steering Group to oversee the strategic long-term advancement of its chemotherapy services, comprised of Lead Executive Director for the Project Sandie Garcia, Oncologist and Sponsor for the project Dr David Ballesteros, Head of Estates Luis Consigliero, Head of Technical Services Kevin Eagle, and Director General Professor Patrick Geoghegan OBE. The Steering Group are pleased to welcome Margaret Ayling to the committee, who together with her family has done so much in supporting cancer services in Gibraltar.
The Chief Pharmacist, Melanie Gordon, said: ‘This is a major advancement and the aseptic suite will make a real difference for those staff who have to prepare medication.’
Clinical Director for Cancer Services, Dr David Ballesteros, said ‘I welcome this significant improvement to the GHA’s cancer services and strongly believe that the new chemotherapy unit will make a real difference to patients who require cancer treatment.’
Lead Executive Director for the Project Sandie Garcia, said: ‘I’m delighted at the progress made to date in the planning and design phases and look forward to working with the team in turning an idea into reality.’
The GHA Director General, Prof Patrick Geoghegan OBE, said: ‘This is an amazing development for chemotherapy services in Gibraltar. It was a promise the GHA made to the public that we will improve the cancer facilities. We have kept our promise and overall are investing £2.4 million in developing not only a new chemotherapy suite, but also an aseptic suite which is where chemotherapy medication is prepared.’