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New Criteria for Self-Isolation - 191/2020

March 16, 2020

The Director for Public Health has advised new criteria for self-isolation.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you should immediately go home and self-isolate for 10 days. Please call 111 as soon as you can to tell us about your symptoms and a dedicated infection control practitioner will guide you from there. The symptoms to look out for are:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nasal congestion or a runny nose

Remember, most people who are not in a vulnerable category will experience mild symptoms and will recover well at home. At this critical time, it is important that we do all we can to support our healthcare workers by following their advice, staying at home and not going to the hospital or Primary Care Centre with these symptoms unless specifically instructed to do so. This could save the life of someone you love.

If your symptoms last longer than 10 days or get worse during the 10 days, please call 111 again or call a GP for advice so that medical staff can help you.

After the 10 days, if you feel well and no longer have a high temperature, you can go back to your normal routine. It is important to know that coughs might last for several weeks after the COVID-19 infection has cleared. As long as you no longer have a fever after 10 days, there is no need for you to stay self-isolated.

Healthcare workers involved in frontline care will be tested after 7 days of self-isolation. If after this 7-day period you test negative for COVID-19, you should return to work.


Useful numbers:

Sick notes: 200 07888

Repeat prescriptions: 200 07909 or email

Evening GP telephone consultations / clinics (5-7pm): 200 07908

Emergency dental appointments: 200 07809 and 200 07962

If you are in self-isolation and need a prescription, a friend or family member can collect it for you. Please remember to ask them to leave it on your doorstep and phone you to let you know it is there to pick up. If you don’t have someone who can collect prescriptions for you, please phone your pharmacist for advice.