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Ministry of Equality launches first online disability survey - 796/2021

October 26, 2021

The Ministry of Equality is today announcing the launch of an anonymous online Disability Survey. This will be the first time that an online survey on disabilities is carried out by a Government in Gibraltar. The aim of the survey is to gather information relating to issues affecting people with disabilities in Gibraltar. Government will use the information collated to form a clearer picture of what issues need to be addressed and prioritise these accordingly. Key stakeholders and local charities were consulted during the development of the survey.

The survey can be completed by, or on behalf of, anybody of any age with any disability and it tackles topics such as access to buildings, services, meeting people, support, work, discrimination and abuse. The survey software is designed to use logic and will therefore only ask questions that are relevant to each individual based on answers already given in previous questions and skip other questions that are not relevant to that individual. This will make the experience of completing this survey more personal to each individual.

The survey can be accessed from the following link and will also be available on the Ministry of Equality’s webpage: The survey will close on the 31st January 2022 and is mobile phone friendly.

If anyone is unable to complete the survey online or requires assistance to complete it, they should contact the Ministry for Equality on 200 46253 or by sending an e-mail to,gi

The Minister for Equality, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, MP said “I am extremely pleased that this online survey has been launched today, it is the first time that an initiative of this kind has been done in Gibraltar. With this survey, we are essentially providing every single person in Gibraltar who has a disability, the opportunity to have a direct communication link to Government. We want to learn directly from people with disabilities of any issues that they may be encountering in any aspects of their daily lives, with an ultimate view to be able to act accordingly and appropriately if and when possible. We want people with disabilities to rest assured that they are considered an important part of this community and we want to work with them to improve services in Gibraltar. I can safely say that Gibraltar is now more inclusive than it was in the past, but I am also committed to make it even more inclusive in the future. I hope that a high number of people in Gibraltar participate in our survey and I encourage them to do so.”