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Ministers Arias-Vasquez and Santos visit Bruce’s Farm - 44/2024

January 30, 2024

Minister Santos & Minister Arias-Vasquez recently joined the Care Agency staff at Bruce’s Farm together with members of several charities to celebrate the progress of the Drugs, Alcohol and Rehabilitation services. The following Charities and Organisations were in attendance: The EV Foundation, Childline, Gibsams, Clubhouse, CAB, Walking Together, GADS and The Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society.

The morning consisted of an awareness presentation providing fundamental and informative insight into the services that Drugs and Rehabilitation Services offers both at Bruce’s Farm and as importantly within the wider community. The significant services now offered in terms of professionally tailored inhouse therapeutically developed programmes and clinical sessions being given evidence the service growth currently reached and being provided. Following refreshments, a tour of the premises was offered to showcase the changes over the years and the dedication of staff and residents alike in an effort to improve positive and sustained outcomes for those suffering from what is now recognised as a disease, addiction.

This service not only works with people with addictions but also family members via Group Support and 1-2-1 therapeutic support. Specific work can also help support younger children and teenagers whose parents are struggling with addiction.

Minister Arias-Vasquez and Minister Santos praised the Care Agency staff involved for their vocation and dedication to the work being delivered. They are eager to continue working alongside relevant professionals to provide a continued growth for the service and help our society understand addiction and reduce the negative concepts that surround it.