October 22, 2019
Darren Grech, Chief Secretary to HM Government of Gibraltar, has set out a major reform programme for the Public Service which will be rolled out over the next few years. The reform will include a restructuring of existing departmental management systems and of officers’ areas of responsibility, plus a review of existing government premises and a digital transformation of public services.
In addition, and spearheading the initiative, there will be a new training programme for future managers within the Service, in partnership with the University of Gibraltar and King’s College London. The training programme will offer a bespoke course for future leaders (‘FLAMINGO’, or Future Leaders and Managers in Government), as well as a Master’s Degree-level qualification in Leadership & Management. Training programmes will begin in early 2020 whilst the MA in Leadership & Management will be available as from September 2020.
The Chief Secretary commented: “I mentioned last week that we were embarking on a new journey, one that will transform the public service and allow us to cultivate those individuals whose work underpins all that we do. The potential future Chief Secretaries and Public Service leaders could already be here within our ranks.
“We need to ensure that we achieve the expectations of everyone who interacts with the Public Service and it is true that change is needed. It is also true that some Public Services need to be improved. I can say without hesitation that we have the right people to deliver, they just need to have the opportunities and the infrastructure to achieve this potential and lead the change together.
“The Future Leaders programme is a critical component in this new phase for Gibraltar’s Public Service, as we can potentially remove some of the bureaucratic barriers that have held back some of the best candidates. The course has been designed in partnership with the University of Gibraltar and King’s College London so as to open it up to the widest possible spectrum of staff. It will bring modern best practice to the fore, and in delivering this programme we will be working closely with the unions that represent public sector workers to ensure that we bring out the very best in our service. This is just the beginning.”