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Gibraltar National Mental Health Strategy Overview and Implementation Committee - 826/2021

November 09, 2021

The Gibraltar National Mental Health Strategy Overview and Implementation Committee met for the first time on Friday 5th November. The Committee’s remit is to ensure a multi-agency structure and accountability for the implementation of the strategy.

The first meeting established the purpose of the Committee and provided an update on the progress to date in relation to the rollout of the National Mental Health Strategy, and proposed governance and oversight arrangements going forward.

The Committee will oversee 6 subgroups that will meet regularly to discuss and advance progress, and report this back to the Committee:

  1. Crisis and Acute Pathway
  2. Rehabilitation Pathway and Long-Term Mental Health Needs
  3. Substance Misuse Pathway
  4. Children and Young People (GYM)
  5. Listening and Learning – Patients’ Voice Group
  6. Stepped Care/Primary Secondary Care Interface

Minister for Health and Care, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, said: ‘Considerable progress has been made by staff in the GHA and partner agencies in the initial phase of rolling out the National Mental Health Strategy. The formal convening of this Overview and Implementation Committee is an important step forward, and provides a firm structure that is accountable for the implementation of the strategy. I look forward to working closely with the Committee moving forward.’