July 03, 2023
HM Government of Gibraltar has been formally recognised for its work on tobacco control by the UK Health Security Agency Overseas Team.
The award was present to the Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter, at the annual UK Overseas Territory Conference in Miami on 23rd May.
Gibraltar was one of only 2 countries to receive this recognition for their work on tobacco control and the extension of the World Health Organisation’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The WHO FCTC asserts the importance of demand reduction as well as supply issues, and its implementation follows a Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control.
Gibraltar has undertaken significant work in the Public Health sphere of tobacco control over the last 12 months, including the establishment of a National Focal Point, whilst the Gibraltar Health Authority has renewed and refreshed its approach to supporting smoking cessation.
The Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter, said: ‘Smokers are 7 times more likely to successfully quit if they receive professional support. If you want to talk to somebody about smoking cessation, please contact the GHA Smoking Cessation Service on 200 52441. You can now have direct access to the service via any GHA member of staff.’
Minister for Public Health, the Hon John Cortes, said: ‘I’m delighted that Gibraltar’s work on smoking cessation has been recognised internationally. Gibraltar is proud of its holistic, cross-departmental efforts on tobacco control.’