May 12, 2023
This week Gibraltar Finance has been attending and exhibiting at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) annual conference and exhibition at Manchester Central in the United Kingdom.
The BIBA conference is one of Europe’s largest insurance gatherings and in 2022 there were 8,066 attendees and 222 exhibitors including 5,169 brokers.
Michael Ashton, Senior Executive, represented Gibraltar Finance and he was joined on the stand by five insurance professionals from Gibraltar.
The Hon Albert Isola MP, Gibraltar’s Minister for Digital and Financial Services stated: “The insurance industry is a significant and core part of Gibraltar’s financial services sector. In 2022 the total gross premium income collectively written by all Gibraltar’s insurance companies reached circa £7 billion for the first time and Gibraltar’s motor insurers’ share of the UK motor insurance market exceeded 30% again for the first time.
BIBA offers the opportunity to showcase Gibraltar’s vibrant insurance sector, which has also seen significant growth in pet insurance and the intermediation of travel insurance in recent years, to a wide audience and to emphasize Gibraltar’s unique passporting rights into the United Kingdom.
A special thank you to all five insurance professionals who travelled to Manchester to support the Gibraltar Finance stand at BIBA 2023.”