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Gibraltar Development Plan tender awarded - 393/2024

June 03, 2024

His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar is delighted to announce the tender for the new Gibraltar Development Plan has been awarded to Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Limited following a competitive tender process conducted via the Government’s Procurement department.

The award of the tender will consist of evaluating the existing Development Plan and preparing of a new Plan which reflects a modern Gibraltar. The Government’s intention is to strike a balance between responsible development while preserving Gibraltar’s natural appeal, it’s environmental wellbeing and a high quality of life for its citizens, residents, and tourists alike.

The Minister with responsibility for Town Planning, the Hon Gemma Arias-Vasquez, said: “I am absolutely delighted that we have finally been able to award the tender for the new Development Plan. This is hugely important and will go a long way in ensuring we preserve Gibraltar’s natural appeal whilst also protecting our economic interests. Our aim is to ensure sustainable growth AND economic development. I would like to thank all the Officials involved in the procurement process for their work and look forward to receiving a first draft of the new Development Plan as soon as practicably possible.”