September 20, 2020
The Government very much regrets to inform the public that a female cross frontier worker in her 40s has died from COVID-19.
The person in question was diagnosed and died in Spain where she was a resident. The Government has become aware of this death through persons who know the deceased. It has been confirmed through contact between the relevant medical authorities.
The Government would like to express its most sincere condolences to her family, friends and work colleagues.
The Government repeats the advice given to the public to take extra precautions if travelling to Spain. This includes the use of face masks, maintaining social distancing and high levels of hygiene.
Virus Migrating to Over 70s
It is also important to point out that the average age of those infected with COVID-19 in Gibraltar continues to rise. This follows the trend in many parts of Europe where the younger generation contracted the virus and then passed it on to their parents and grandparents. The number of active cases in Gibraltar now includes five persons who are over 70. This was anticipated by the earlier statements from the Government calling on those over 70 to avoid contact with younger family members and for those over 70 to stay at home insofar as possible.
It is essential that those who are over 70 or who are vulnerable should continue to follow the advice given by the Government and Public Health Gibraltar. This includes avoiding unnecessary contact with other people and making use of the Golden Hour facilities provided. The Government intends to further extend the facilities available to assist the elderly.