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Changes to COVID-19 self-isolation requirements - 151/2023

March 17, 2023

The COVID-19 Strategic Coordinating Group, on the advice of the Director of Public Health, has recommended that the legal requirement to self-isolate when testing positive for COVID-19 be removed.

Therefore, with effect from Friday 17th March 2023, those who test positive for COVID-19 will be under no legal requirement to self-isolate. However, the advice of the Director of Public Health remains to stay at home for 5 days until tests return negative, up to a maximum of 10 days. Limit interactions with others, especially with those who are immunosuppressed and vulnerable members of our community.

Those who test positive for COVID-19 must not attend any GHA site or visit any ERS or Care Agency premises until 5 days after the initial positive test and further tests return negative. This includes attending appointments and screening tests as well as visiting family and friends. Members of staff working at the GHA, ERS or Care Agency who test positive, must continue to contact line managers for advice regarding returning to work.

Testing requirements for entry into Gibraltar from China, Macao and Hong Kong will also lapse on Friday 17th March 2023 and no persons will be required to test for COVID-19 when entering Gibraltar.

The Director of Public Health, Dr Helen Carter, said: “I am satisfied that it is the correct time to introduce these changes to self-isolations rules as the COVID-19 infections in our community are mostly causing mild disease and immunity is high because of our successful vaccine programme. Although it will not be a legal requirement to self-isolate when testing positive for COVID-19, my strong advice still remains that people should self-isolate if possible for 5 days and limit social interactions as not doing so could still affect vulnerable and immunosuppressed members of our community.

“The changes to entry requirements into Gibraltar also come at a good time as there are currently no new variants of concern globally that could cause a fast spike to cases locally. However, we will continue to closely monitor these trends and reintroduce regulations if necessary”.